Kimspiration Lifestyle

Welcome to Kimspiration Lifestyle. Come on in. Get comfortable. Let me tell you why I am here.

I created this blog after losing 100 pounds one last time in 2021.  

I have struggled with my weight most of my life. I grew up with my parents and my three sisters. I am the oldest of my sisters and none of them are overweight. I was the chubby sister, the big one. As a result, I had a lot of insecurity growing up when it came to anything that was not academics.

I was a tomboy in elementary school, so my weight did not really bother me until I got to high school.  High school started at 7th grade at the American school that I attended in Germany.  I never had good eating habits, but I joined organized sports teams (volleyball, softball, and track and field).  Participating in sports gave me some grace with my eating habits because I was able to get my weight in a better place than it was before I played.  When I left home for college, I no longer played sports and the worst part of my weight roller coaster started. I gained a lot of weight in college.  Right after I graduated from college, I started dabbling with fad diets and was able to lose weight off and on for a number of years.  

Me in Bora Bora, 2000

In 1999, I lost all of my excess weight and got into tip top shape for my wedding in 2000.  I distinctly remember being on my honeymoon with my new husband.  We were in Bora Bora, French Polynesia, and I was on the back of the scooter with my husband and I told him that I wasnâ€t going to be a wife that gained weight after the wedding.  It turns out I was wrong and I eventually did put on the pounds after the wedding.    

I found myself back on the weight roller coaster in 2002.  In 2007 I lost weight again so that I could get pregnant the next year.  I had a very healthy pregnancy and I didnâ€t even gain much weight until the last month of my pregnancy.  I didnâ€t start having weight issues again until after my maternity leave ended and I went back to work.  I would struggle with this “baby weight” until 2016.  In 2016, I had health issues, due to my weight, that scared me into losing weight.  I had a young child and I knew I had to lose the weight so that I could be here for my son.  

At that time, I was at the highest weight I had ever been in my entire life.  I knew that I had to lose at least 100 pounds to get my medical numbers into a safe zone.  I ended up taking the necessary measures to lose the weight.  

This blog is a result of me losing the weight, finding my self-esteem again, and my desire to inspire women to join me on this new journey of living comfortably and unapologetically in our skin, without letting conventional rules dictate how we live. 

Kim Woods

I wrote an ebook, “The Weight is Over: How I lost 100 pounds after age 45”, that tells the detailed story of how I lost 100 pounds.  You can get a copy of the ebook here.

In the book, you will get to see my struggles and my triumphs over the five years before my final weight loss (2016 – 2021). You will also learn about the lifestyle, that is not a diet, that I used to finally lose the weight. The book also includes unexpected twists and lessons that are highlighted.

This blog is a result of me losing the weight, finding my self-esteem again, and my desire to inspire women to join me on this new journey of living comfortably and unapologetically in our skin, without letting conventional rules dictate how we live.  

Will you join me in this journey?  It doesnâ€t matter whether you want to lose, gain, or even maintain your weight.  I will meet you where you are.  We will explore health, fashion, and travel together.  If you are in this with me, please be sure to subscribe to my blog so that you donâ€t miss any future posts.  Otherwise, please enjoy your life to the fullest and try to remember not let anyoneâ€s rules define who you are!